Monday, December 20, 2010

Made it

And the weather is mild, in the mid teens by day, slipping down to nine or ten at night. Today a sea mist has lingered in the bay, the light is soft and dusk saw light clouds illuminated by the pink of the setting sun. There is always colour at this time of year. The leaves may be off the deciduous trees, but the oranges have ripened and stand out against the dark green leaves all around the village. They are everywhere and squashed citrus cover the road. The olive trees have a silvery look now their fruit has been picked. Tomorrow is forecast to be warmer, we may have sun.

There is no news, so why am I posting this? To piss off people in Britain, why else?


Anonymous said...

pissing off people is always a mercyful task lol
I turned green of envy, by the way...

mikeovswinton said...

OK, you got there. But you have to get back, you know. Got a sleeping bag for the airport floor?

The Plump said...

Getting back doesn't quite concern me as much Mike :-)

mikeovswinton and chowbent said...

It will if you have to spend a few nights sleeping on the floor of an airport. One woman was on the news yesterday. Finally got to sleep on the floor of Heathrow at 3.00am. Woken at 4.00am by the sound of "Simply having a wondeful Christmas time" over the tannoy. She didn't sound very HP. Remember you were warned......... In any case - if I was in Greece how would I get to the Reebok this sunday? Know where I'd rather be, thanks. (Mind you the departure of the Ginger Mourinho has made that a more clear cut choice.)

The Plump said...

I would just go home for another week while I re-booked my flight. And knowing your luck, it will be snowed off.

mikeovswinton, and not the floor at gatwick said...

Re-booked your flight? You rally haven't been listening to Simon Calder on how these things work , have you. Get ready for your 4 nights on the floor now.

The Plump said...

Nope, I haven't. Not that I know who he is. That's what happened on Friday. Got there, flight cancelled, went home, poured a drink and made a sandwich, waited on the phone for half an hour and when I got through booked a flight for Sunday at no extra cost. Then I went to the pub.

Same with the volcano when I came back at Easter. Just kept checking until it was clear the flight was going to be cancelled, then sat back in comfort and waited for the flight that was rebooked speedily and efficiently over the internet - ten days later!