Wednesday, February 03, 2016

A load of crap

I can't remember James Bond doing this. Apparently, Stalin spied on Mao by having his shit analysed.
According to recent reports, former Soviet agent Ivor Atamanenko claims Stalin had ordered Mao to be fed well during his ten days of closely supervised “hospitality”. Mao was also asked to use a special toilet, where his excrement was collected daily and sent to a secret lab for analysis.
I don't know what they found in it, but Freud would have had a field day with this emanation of the international proletarian brotherhood. 


Marc McKenzie said...

Holy s#@!...

No, that was too easy and not very funny. Still, if anything, it does prove once again that Stalin was one paranoid megalomaniac. The fact that there are still people today who admire him is enough to make one ill.

Bob-B said...

People would have paid good money for that in the heyday of Maoism when people were selling his little red book on western street corners.

AHRonald said...

Of course he was used to running purges. (I'll get my coat)

The Plump said...

I am delighted to see that my readers are better at excruciating poo puns than I am.