Thursday, June 07, 2012


This is one way of communicating:
Greece is speechless! Totally out of control  spokesman of Chrysis Avgi (Golden Dawn) and elected MP Ilias Kassidiaris punched Communist KKE MP Liana Kanelli while on live studio on ANT1 TV on Thursday morning. Just seconds earlier Kassidiaris had thrown water against SYRIZA MP Rena Dourou. The prosecutor asked the arrest of Golden Dawn MP for “dangerous physical damage”, while he is on the run.
How obliging of the neo-Nazis to be so open about who they are.

Then there is this rather nice talk about cognitive dissonance and critical thought. It appeals to me because throughout my teaching career I have been embarrassingly wrong on so many things, but I still think that I am brilliant.

And finally, another example of the media's remarkable ability to misrepresent research in order to get a good headline. This time it is about the supposed recommendation that safe drinking limits should be reduced to a quarter of a pint of beer daily. As one of the authors the report blogs, this is not what they said. But they did come up with the finding that even relatively small amounts alcohol do increase health risks. He is disarmingly honest:
On a personal note I am not pleased by the results of our research.  I was hoping that alcohol might have been better for my health.
As for me I am going to pour myself a large glass of wine and begin to rationalise about how it is exceedingly good for me.

1 comment:

Jim M. said...

...throughout my teaching career I have been embarrassingly wrong on so many things, but I still think that I am brilliant.

Hmmm... methinks you are SO not alone in this. The saving grace is that you recognise it!